الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2011



My Dear Good Friend,

Assalam O Alaikum Alhamdolillah! Walaikum Assalam wa Rehamatullahe wa Barakatuh.

How are you doing today.

I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner, I found your Email contact listed in the Trade Center Chambers of Commerce directory here in Burkina Faso . Firstly I will like to introduce my self, I'm MR Abdul Ali Mohammed,the Manager in charge of auditing and accounting unit foreign remittance department of BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) Ouaga-Burkina Faso in West Africa, with due respect and regards, I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneficial to both of us at the end of the transaction.

During my investigation and auditing in the bank in my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person, a foreigner who died in a plane crash and the fund has been dormant in his account with the bank without any claim of the fund in our custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this development.

Although personally, I kept this information secret within myself to enable the whole plans and idea be profitable and successful during the time of execution, The amount involved is USD$8.2.000,000.(EIGHT MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS) Meanwhile the whole arrangement and directives needed to put claim over this fund as the benefit next of kin to the deceased, will be forward to you upon your acceptance, All informations will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist me and also benefit yourself to this great business opportunity.

In fact I could have done this deal alone but because of my position in this country as a civil servant, we are not allowed to operate a foreign account and would eventually raise an eye brow on my side during the time of transfer because I work in this bank. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin with affidavit of trust of Oath to the bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his request as it may be, after due verification and clarification to designated bank account.

I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is genuine and 100% risk free, On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification, while 5% for any incurable expenses that will come during the transfer,then 5% for charity organization(motherless baby home)in Burkina Faso.

You have been advised to keep top secret as we are still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal with you.I will be monitoring the whole situation here in the bank until you confirm the money in your account and ask us to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any other country you may advice us to invest in.

All other necessary information will be sent to you when I hear from you. I suggest you get back to me as soon as possible stating your wish in this deal.

Best Regard. May The Almighty Allah Bless you.

Your's Faithfully.

Mr.Abdul Ali Mohammed.

الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

Bonne Année Hégirienne 1433 pour iammaa.soba@blogger.com

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الأحد، 4 سبتمبر 2011

Important Business!!!

Business proposal worth $22.4million dollars. If interested Please Contact Email:williamlwcheung1957@gmx.com

الثلاثاء، 28 يونيو 2011


Do you need 100% Finance? I am Mrs.Kim Hartman ,a financial lender and consultant, CEO Of  PRIVATE  MONEY LENDER. We are coorporate lenders in United States of America/Europe/Asia/Canada/Australia. I can service your financial need with less payback problem that is why we fund you for just 2%. Whatever your circumstances, self employed, retired, have a poor credit rating, we could help. Flexible repayment over 2 to 40 years.
1. Full Names:.............................
2. Contact Address:.......................
3. Loan Amount Needed:....................
4. Duration of the Loan....................
5. Direct Telephone Number:.................
Best Regards,
Ms.Kim Hartman

الأربعاء، 25 مايو 2011

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الخميس، 5 مايو 2011

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